Pakistan Aerospace Council (PAeC) and Global Defense Insight Explore Potential Collaboration

Mr. Umair Aslam of Global Defense Insight recently visited the Pakistan Aerospace Council (PAeC) headquarters. His productive meeting with the Convener PAeC, Mr. Imtiaz Rastgar focused on exploring potential collaboration opportunities.

Mr. Rastgar’s dedication to strengthening Pakistan’s aviation and defense exports and fostering growth within the private high-tech sector resonated deeply with Mr. Umair Aslam. Their shared vision aligns perfectly with PAeC’s core mission and values.

Global Defense Insight is a non-partisan publication with a focus on the business of DefenseAerospace, and National Security. They aim to inform, engage, and empower the world by providing timely, impartial, and accurate information from the defense sector.

Stay tuned for more updates on this promising partnership!