Polish Aerospace Industry
New Investment in Poland’s Aerospace Industry
Over the last decade there has been an influx of large aerospace companies from Western Europe and North America into the Podkarpacie Region of Poland. Now dubbed ‘Aviation Valley’, the area has been at the heart of Poland’s aerospace.
Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency
The aviation sector is a highly innovative industry whose development largely depends on transnational cooperation and the situation on the global markets. Over the past 20 years, the volume of aircraft production on the global market has doubled.
Aviation Valley
Aviation Valley is the region in the south-eastern part of Poland that has evolved into one of the leading locations in Central Europe for conducting and developing projects associated with aviation. It is one of six European regions highly specialized in aerospace

High-flyer Poland
Poland is the official partner country of this year’s ILA (2012), one of the world’s largest industry exhibitions in the field of aerospace.

Technology Incubator
Under the aegis of the Polish Ministry of Economics and the Polish Agency for Information and Foreign Investment (PAIIZ), Germany’s neighbor will be represented at the Berlin Air Show with its biggest display to date.
Poland Aerospace Sector
Poland is the 5th best investment destination for aerospace manufacturing projects in Europe. Strength of polish aerospace industry include long- standing tradition, Well-developed supplier network, high quality work force and products.
Polish Aerospace Exports
Poland is a large market in its own right and is often seen as a convenient export platform both for Europe and Eastern Europe. Polish aerospace industry 82% of Polish exports currently go to highly industrialized countries (OECD), about 79% of exportsare sent to the EU, when 64% of imports are from the EU.