Medtronic Gives Away Ventilator Design Specs in Coronavirus Fight
Medtronic is sharing design specifications for a basic ventilator…

Almost all companies in the corona virus affected countries are…

Corona Virus Could Hurt Aviation Over the Long Term
For aviation, and many industries, the COVID-19 crisis is hitting…

5G Technology Bringing a Great Revolution
Experts and businesses are extremely excited about the capabilities…

Micro-turbine Engine Operating with Environmentally Friendly Natural Gas
UAV Turbines, Inc. (UAVT), a pioneer of micro-turbine technology,…

3D Droplet Printer Creates Synthetic Tissues
Using a custom built droplet network printer, researchers at…

Super Magnets Produced Successfully With Laser-Based 3D Printer
Research team develop a method for producing specially designed…

The Importance of Redefining How Data is Governed, Controlled and Shared in Industrial Revolution
The first chapter of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been…

Smart Farming by UAVs
With a few taps on a cell phone, a drone in the distance intelligently…

Joining Metals Without Heat (Cold Welding)
Techniques like Arc Welding, Friction Welding, Ultrasonic Welding,…