Islamabad has all the makings of Hi-tech value and needs to be…

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Short Profile of Imtiaz Ali Rastgar
Founder and Chairman of Rastgar Group, is a manufacturing specialist…

Short Profile of Dr. Naveed Iftikhar
Dr Naveed Iftikhar has been working with the public sector, academia,…

Dr Sarah Qureshi, CEO Aero Engine Craft; Gives Details About Her Inventions in an Interview to DAWN TV
Dr. Sarah Qureshi is the CEO and founding director of Aero Engine…

Engr Mansoor Malik, Co-Founder Pakistan Aerospace Council Talks on Innovation/Entrepreneurship Challenges for Engineers
Engr Mansoor Malik has been a pioneer personality in the history…

Interview of Engr. Mansoor Malik, Co-Founder PAeC with CxO Global Forum
Engr Mansoor Malik has been a pioneer personality in the history…

Mexican Auto Parts Makers to Collaborate with Counterparts in Pakistan
Mexico’s auto parts industries would collaborate with their…