The 15th Executive Board Meeting of Pakistan Aerospace Council (PAeC) was held on 03 February, 2020 at PAeC Head Office, Islamabad.  Dr. Haroon Javed Qureshi (President PAeC), Mr. Asif Jah (Gen Secretary), Mr. Tanveer Ahmed (Treasurer), Mr. Mansoor Malik (Convener), Mr. Imtiaz Ali Rastgar (Convener), Dr. Arshad Ali (Co-convener), Mr. Mahmood Sherani (CEO, Sherani Engineering), Mr. Waleed Shahid (Executive Member) and  Mr. Muhammad Tahir (Project Coordinator) attended the meeting.  Following agenda points came under discussion:-

(a) Discussion on the draft of PAeC “Bye-Laws Documents”.

(b) Update on hosting PAeC Members Industry Exhibition at Air University, Islamabad.

(c) Progress on starting Lahore and Karachi chapters of PAeC.

(d) Update about membership drive of PAeC.

(e) Synergies between PAeC, CAE Alumni Association and CAE Professionals.

(f) Establishing links with IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, USA) and AESS (Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society).

The Executive Committee Members discussed the Memorandum and different Articles of PAeC Bye-Laws in detail. They suggested multiple amendments in the draft.  It was decided to formulate the final draft and get it approved by the Executive Committee as early as possible.

Addressing the meeting, Mr. Mansoor Malik highlighted the importance of getting synergies among PAeC, CAE Alumni Association and CAE Professionals.  He also emphasized to establish relationship with the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS).  Mr. Mansoor Malik opined to have an Islamabad chapter of AESS.
Mr. Imtiaz Ali Rastgar suggested to get PAeC and AESS merged to save efforts and obtain positive results.

The board reviewed the progress on starting Lahore and Karachi chapters of PAeC.  It was decided to complete PAeC Hi-Tech Directory (2020) as early as possible after receipt of profiles and advertisement material from affiliated companies. Matters pertaining to hosting PAeC members’ industry exhibition, sharing of PAeC members’ capabilities/strength with Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and 1st issue of PAeC Newsletter also came under discussion during the meeting.