Industrial Air Training Institute Launched in Pakistan
Asian Institute of Industrial Air (AIIA) in collaboration with National Textile University organized its maiden training session on “Introduction to Compressed Air Engineering” at NTU, Faisalabad. The objective of this introductory course was to sensitize Textile and Mechanical Engineers on importance of this fourth utility.
Mr. Imtiaz Rastgar while inaugurating the session highlighted the need of a training institute as it is not being taught in any College or University anywhere in the world. Compressed Air being an important and costly utility being inefficiently produced and used which results in non-competitiveness of a manufacturing setup. Selection and maintenance of Air Compressor system, Transmission piping system, Air Quality and cost apportionment were discussed in detail during the training session. As production of compressed air is a very inefficient process, only 5-6 % of the total power input is converted to usable mechanical energy. Consequently, what appears as minor compressed air savings are inreality substantial power savings Air Quality and Costing export stressed the need of reducing compressed air usage which unusually has high return in forms of reducing both energy and CO2 emissions and builds company CSR image. The safety aspects surrounding compressed air are often forgotten despite the serious consequences of misuse. Engineering and Maintenance Managers from Sadaqat Limited, Crescent Textile, Sapphire Textile, TEVTA, Gold Textile, Crescent Bahuman, Shan Associates and large faculty of NTU participated in the training session. While concluding the training session Dr. Tanveer Hussain, Rector, National Textile University, Faisalabad, thanked Asian Institute of Air team for organizing a training session on such an important topic. Asian Institute of Industrial Air (AIIA), a project of Potohar Center for Entrepreneurship Development is the only institute in Pakistan offering advance level of training courses on Industrial Air Engineering. Learn more by subscribing its future training