MoU Between Pakistan Aerospace Council & Institute of Space Technology to Share Resources to Undertake Conceptualization, Development, Production & Marketing of “Hi-Tech Engineering Products” as Joint Support Partners
Pakistan Aerospace Council (PAeC) & Institute of Space Technology (IST) have signed an MoU to share Knowledge, Lab facilities and Intellectual resources to undertake the conceptualization, development and production of “Hi-Tech Engineering Products” as joint support partners. IST will carry out prototype development of the product at the request of PAeC member companies, individually or through PAeC and will provide all required possible technical support during product development and its induction phases guarda ora. Whereas Industrial Partner will coordinate with University and PAeC member companies, to finalize the product Data Pack and its subsequent production and induction.
Complete content of the MoU b/w PAeC & IST is produced here (in pdf).
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